Scheduling Time For Self Care

Scheduling Time For Self Care

Finding time to take care of yourself is much more difficult than it seems. We have roles as parents, employees, spouses, and so much more. There is always something on our mental to do list that has not been completed. But if we wait to practice self care till that list is clear, then we will be waiting forever. Scheduling time for ourselves is a way to trick our brain into practicing self care even when we have a full to-do list. Schedule any increment of time in your day to do something for yourself. It could be getting a coffee, taking a nap, walking your dog, reading a book, taking a shower. The possibilities are endless. When we schedule time for ourselves we tell our brain that we are just as important, if not more, as the items on our to-do list. Start small today by scheduling 5 minutes for yourself. Then work your way up to 30 minutes, and then a couple hours. At some point you won't even have to think to schedule self care in your day because you will already be making your schedule around your self care. Try this out today and let me know in the comments how it went for you.
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I love seeing you express yourself through writing. This is beautiful!


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